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Notebook Cover Tutorial!

Updated: Apr 11, 2020

I love a fabric note book cover and decided the pink with the trees would be fabulous.

To make a book cover measure the book from front cover to back with the book closed.

Measure the height of the book.

Add 1 inch to both measurements and that is the size of the outside and inside rectangles you will need to make a cover, simple!

My note book measured 15 ½ inches from front to back and was 10 ½ inches high.

I pieced the outside together using two fabrics, the Pink Trees and the white and pink leaf circles print.

I cut a front rectangle 16 ½ x 11 ½

I cut an inside rectangle 16 ½ x 11 ½

I cut 2 rectangles 7 x 11 ½ for the flaps that hold the book in place. Iron these in half to measure 3 ½ x 11 ½

Place the front rectangle on your work table right side facing up. Place the flaps on either end with the fold facing in and the raw edges on the outside edge. Place the inside rectangle on top with the wrong side facing up.

Pin and then sew around all four sides leaving an opening about 3 inches along the bottom. Turning the cover right side out though the opening and press with an iron.

Hand sew the opening closed. Put your cover on your note book!

The Fabric used is called A Spring Burst and can be found here


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