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Flower Garden Wool Applique Cushion Pattern

Flower Garden Cushion Pattern

SKU: FGcushion-pattern


  • Description

    Flower Garden Cushion 

    Finished Size: 18 x 18 inches



    40cm Hanky Linen or Background Fabric

    4 pieces Wool Felt 9 x 7 inches of different colours for flowers

    1 piece Wool Felt 9 x 7 inches of Green for stems & leaves

    Thread for the applique stitching such as

    Ellana Wool Thread

    Perle #8 Cotton

    50cm Border and Backing

    60cm Square of Wadding

    46cm (18 inch) Dress Zip that matches your backing fabric

    45cm Cushion Insert

    Fusible Web


    This pattern includes a full A3 size layout pattern and paper templates that have been reversed for easy fusible applique.

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