Sweet Blooms Briar Cushion
Size: 18 x 18 inches
- 50cm Background Fabric
- 3 piece Wool Felt 4.5 x 3.5 inches for Wool flowers
- 25cm of Green Fabric for bias stems and leaves
- Ellana Wool Thread for the applique stitching
- Perle #5 Cotton for Embroidery Stitches
- 50cm for Backing
- 50cm Iron on Pellon
- 45cm Cushion insert
- 46cm (18inch) Dress Zip
- Freezer paper
- Baste it Glue or Fabric Glue Stick
- ¼ inch Bias Maker
- 60wt thread for Needle Turn Applique such as Bottom Line, Aurifil or Wonderfil
This pattern includes a full A3 size layout pattern
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